Club Policies
Please scroll down to view our amended club policies as of April 2024.
Thornbury Cricket Club's policies
Safeguarding policy statement
Thornbury Cricket Club (the Club) is committed to ensuring everyone participating in cricket does so in a safe, friendly, secure, and enjoyable environment. Everyone at the club, whether as a player, coach, official, administrator, staff member, volunteer, spectator, parent, or carer has a role to play. Individually and collectively, it is our actions, both on and off the field which can help create a positive and inclusive culture.
We will do this by:
Having the right people in place
Creating the right culture and environment
Ensuring clear processes are in place for reporting and responding to safeguarding concerns
Adopting the ECB’s Safe Hands Policy and Guidance
Having the Right People in Place
Whilst everyone at our club has a responsibility for Safeguarding, we also have a designated Club Safeguarding Officer who has completed specialist Safe Hands training provided by the ECB.
The Club Safeguarding Officer is:
The first point of contact for all children, parents/carers volunteers, and members at the Club
Responsible for ensuring that everyone who is working with children at the Club is subject to appropriate safer recruitment processes
A member of our committee
A source of safeguarding advice for the Club, its committee, and members
The Club’s main point of contact for the County Safeguarding Officer, the ECB Safeguarding Team and other external safeguarding agencies
The person responsible for ensuring correct and comprehensive reporting procedures exist for raising and managing safeguarding concerns.
Creating the Right Culture and Environment
All participants in cricket, regardless of age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, ability of disability, have the right to enjoy the game in an environment that is safe from abuse of any kind. The Club recognises that safeguarding starts with setting high standards and promoting a positive culture which provides the best environment for participants to enjoy themselves and the game of cricket.
Anyone in a specialist role within the Club is also required to complete the Safeguarding for Specialist Roles training with the relevant additional module. This includes Captains and Team Managers, Coaches and Activators, Officials (Umpires and Scorers) and Committee Members.
We encourage all of our members to complete the ECB online Safeguarding Induction, which can be accessed here
We ensure that all individuals working at or for the Club are provided with the necessary support through education, training and continued professional development (CPD)
We ensure that all individuals working at or for the Club are recruited and appointed in accordance with ECB Safer Recruitment guidance and relevant legislation and are committed to providing a welcoming, safe, and fun experience for children
We promote a listening culture where the views of children, parents/carers, volunteers and other club members are proactively sought and acted upon. This helps us to create an environment where people have the opportunity and confidence to raise concerns, including concerns about poor practice, abuse and neglect
We seek to create a partnership with parents/carers so that they know what to expect from us and what we expect of them
We ensure that external organisations who are delivering services on behalf of the Club have safeguarding measures in place which meet the requirements of Safe Hands.
Reporting and Responding to Safeguarding Concerns
It is our aim that everyone at the Club should feel confident to raise a concern, no matter how small. We believe that raising and dealing with concerns quickly, when they occur, supports a proactive safeguarding culture at the Club.
All suspicions, concerns and allegations will be taken seriously. We will follow the 3R’s with every concern: Responding appropriately, Recording confidentiality and Reporting where necessary, ensuring that concerns are dealt with in a fair and prompt manner.
The Club recognises that it is not the responsibility of club members to determine or investigate if abuse has taken place, but to act upon and report any concerns promptly.
We ensure that confidential information relating to safeguarding matters is shared appropriately and only with those who need to know. Information may need to be shared with the County Safeguarding Officer, Cricket Regulator Safeguarding Team, or local agencies with statutory responsibility for safeguarding. If we are unsure, we will seek advice from our County Safeguarding Officer.
Adopting the ECB’s Safe Hands Policy and Guidance
The Club has formally adopted the ECB’s Safe Hands Policy and guidance as part of our constitution
The Club works within the ECB Safeguarding Procedure for the management of safeguarding investigations
We ensure that all individuals who work and volunteer at or for our Club understand how Safe Hands applies to them.
Club Commitment
TCC are committed to this Safeguarding Policy Statement and will review it on an annual basis.
Date Completed- 26/03/24
Signed by:
Joanna Littlejohn (club secretary), John Wormwell & Sarah Bowden (club safeguarding officers).
Thornbury Cricket Club equality and diversity policy
Introduction and aims of the policy
Thornbury Cricket Club recognises and values people’s differences and will assist
them to use their talents to reach their full potential.
The organisation will do all it can to ensure it recruits, trains and promotes people
based on qualifications, experience and abilities for all roles within the organisation.
This policy is designed to ensure that Thornbury Cricket Club complies with its
obligations under equality legislation and demonstrates our commitment to treating
people equally and fairly.
Thornbury Cricket Club is unreservedly opposed to any form of discrimination on the
grounds of Protected Characteristics as defined in the Equalities Act 2010. These
1. age
2. disability
3. gender reassignment
4. marriage or civil partnership
5. pregnancy and maternity
6. race
7. religion or belief
8. sex
9. sexual orientation
Using fair and objective employment practices, the organisation aims to ensure that
all employees and potential employees are treated fairly and with respect at all stages of their employment.
all employees (volunteers/service users) have the right to be free from harassment and bullying of any description, or any other form of unwanted behaviour. Such behaviour may come from other employees or by people (third parties) who are not employees of Thornbury Cricket Club, such as customers or clients.
all employees (volunteers/service users) have an equal chance to contribute and to achieve their potential, irrespective of any defining feature that may give rise to unfair discrimination.
all employees (volunteers/service users) have the right to be free from discrimination because they associate with another person who possesses a protected characteristic or because others perceive that they have a particular Protected Characteristic, even if they do not.
Scope of the policy
The policy applies to all members of Thornbury Cricket Club including non playing
The policy applies to all stages of employment including recruitment and selection,
promotion and training.
It is the responsibility of Sarah Bowden, Thornbury Cricket Club safeguarding officer,
to develop and lead the implementation of the equality and diversity policy.
Responsibility for approving the policy and monitoring that it is being followed rests
with Thornbury Cricket Club Committee.
Employees and volunteers of Thornbury Cricket Club have a duty to act within this
policy, ensure it is followed and to draw attention to any suspected discriminatory
acts or practices.
Implementation of the policy
All staff and volunteers will be involved in creating an equality environment and one
that values diversity.
Communication of the policy to job applicants and employees/ volunteers through
the Thornbury Cricket Club website and putting the policy up within the clubhouse.
Working with partners
In selecting our partners we will consider their commitment to Equality and Diversity
by sending them a copy of our policy when they are engaged.
Users of our service
We will make our services accessible by publishing contact information for Sarah
Bowden our safeguarding officer on the website and within the clubhouse.
In carrying out the policy, the organisation will carry out the following actions: follow
the clubs disciplinary policy should any complaints be made.
Reporting discrimination/potential discrimination
Employees, service users and volunteers who feel that they have suffered any form
of discrimination should raise the issue through the following means: contacting
Sarah Bowden the clubs safeguarding officer via Email on
sarahbowden22@hotmail.co.uk or by phone on 07796 002270.
Employees/volunteers/service users should also use this approach if they feel that
they been the subject of harassment from someone who is not an employee of
Thornbury Cricket Club. Thornbury Cricket Club will not tolerate any harassment
from third parties towards its employees/volunteers/service users and will take
appropriate action to prevent it happening again.
If an employee/volunteer/service user witnesses behaviour that they find offensive in
relation to age, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, disability,
gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation, even if it is
not directed at them they should also use this procedure.
Monitoring and review
This policy will be monitored to judge to what extent it is working and identify areas
for improvement.
Monitoring will relate to both employees/volunteers and to service users and
methods used will include: monthly report to the committee by the safeguarding
This policy will be reviewed annually by the Thornbury Cricket Club Committee to
ensure that it remains up to date and reflects the needs and practices of the
The policy may also be reviewed if legislation changes or if monitoring information
suggests that policy or practices should be altered.
Date of adoption of policy 21/07/22
Date of next review 21/07/23
Code of Conduct
1. (Note: In junior cricket, team captains can be deputised by team managers)
The Club will adhere to the England and Wales Cricket Board’s Code of Conduct.
a) The ECB is committed to maintaining the highest standards of behaviour and conduct. The Code of Conduct incorporates the Spirit of Cricket as set out below. It applies to all matches played under the auspices of the ECB and may be applied to cricket in general.
b) Captains are responsible at all times for ensuring that play is conducted within the Spirit of Cricket as well as within the Laws.
c) Players and Team Officials must at all times accept the umpire’s decision. Players must not show dissent at the Umpire’s decision or react in a provocative or disapproving manner towards an Umpire at any time.
d) Players and Team Officials shall not intimidate, assault or attempt to intimidate or assault an Umpire, another player or a Spectator.
e) Players and Team Officials shall not use crude and/or abusive language (known as “sledging”) nor make offensive gestures or hand signals nor deliberately distract an opponent.
f) Players and Team Officials shall not make racially abusive comments nor indulge in racially abusive actions against fellow players, officials, members and supporters. Clubs must operate an active open door membership policy whilst respecting player qualification regulations and welcome players/members irrespective of ethnic origin.
Players and Team Officials shall not use or in any way be concerned in the use or distribution of illegal drugs.
g) Clubs must take adequate steps to ensure the good behaviour of their members and supporters towards players and Umpires.
h) Cricket is a game that owes much of its unique appeal to the fact that it should be played not only within its Laws, but also within the Spirit of the Game. Any action, which is seen to abuse this spirit, causes injury to the game itself. The major responsibility for ensuring the spirit of fair play rests with the Captains.
2. Responsibility of Captains
The captains are responsible at all times for ensuring that play is conducted within the Spirit of the Game as well as within the Laws.
3. Players’ Conduct
In the event that any player failing to comply with the instructions of the Umpire, criticising his decision by word or action, or showing dissent, or generally behaving in a manner which might bring the game into disrepute, the Umpire concerned shall in the first place report the matter to the other Umpire and to the player’s Captain requesting the latter to take action.
4. Fair and Unfair Play
According to the Laws, the Umpires are the sole judges of Fair and Unfair play. The umpires may intervene at any time and it is the responsibility of the Captain to take action when required. The umpires are authorised to intervene in the cases of: tIme wasting, damaging the pitch, tampering with the ball, or any action that they consider to be unfair.
5. Spirit of the Game
The Spirit of the Game involves respect for your opponents, your own captain and team, the role of the umpires and the game’s traditional values. It is against the Spirit of the Game to – (a) dispute an umpire’s decision by word, action or gesture; (b) direct abusive language towards an opponent or umpire; (c) seek to distract an opponent either verbally or with persistent clapping or unnecessary noise under the guise of enthusiasm and motivation of one’s own side.
6. Violence
There is no place for any act of violence on the field of play. Players, Captains and Umpires together set the tone for the conduct of a cricket match and every player is expected to make an important contribution to this.
Junior Code of Conduct
Junior Player’s Code of Conduct
Thornbury Cricket Club (“the Club”) is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being of all its members. The Club believes that it is important that members, coaches, administrators and parents associated with the Club should, at all times, show respect, be encouraged to be open at all times and to share any concerns or complaints that they may have about any aspect of the Club. A Junior Member is an individual under the age of eighteen and a member of the Club. A Parent is a Parent of a Junior Member.
As a Junior Member or a Parent you are expected to abide by the following Junior Club Code of Conduct as it applies appropriately to Junior Members and/or Parents of Junior Members. Parents are expected to set good a good example as regards their own behaviour (and those accompanying them) for the benefit of Junior Members.
2. The Code
This code of conduct applies to all matches played when representing the Club. It also applies to all training and practice sessions organised by the Club.
All Junior Members are expected to comply with the England and Wales Cricket Board code of conduct (see below) and that, by taking part in activities organised by the Club, you agree to comply with all reasonable instructions from team managers and/or captains and/or coaches;
To comply with all other reasonable instructions from other members and officers of the Club including, but not limited to, any directives and instructions which may be displayed from time to time on Club premises;
Junior Members and Parents agree to respect, cooperate with and encourage their fellow Junior Members at all times, irrespective of their abilities.
Persecution, humiliation or ridiculing of others will not be tolerated
Junior Members, under no circumstances, must make contact with a coach directly by email, text or call.
Behaviour and dress both on and off the field should be in keeping with the dignity and best traditions of the game of cricket.
Foul, abusive and inappropriate language on or off the field of play is unacceptable.
Intimidation, aggressive behaviour and deliberate distraction of opponents by words or actions are unacceptable.
Dissent at umpiring decisions is unacceptable.
The game should be played competitively, but the highest standards of sportsmanship must at all times be maintained. Recognise the achievements of both your team-mates and your opponents. Do not glory in their failures.
Remember that your conduct is a reflection not only on yourself but also on the Club as a whole. Conduct which damages the reputation of the Club will not be tolerated.
Junior Members and their Parents should keep to agreed timings for training and competitions or inform their coach or team manager if they are going to be late.
Junior Members must wear suitable kit – (this must include a helmet, box, gloves and pads when a hard ball is being used) for training and match sessions, as agreed with the coach/team manager.
Junior Members are not allowed to consume or purchase alcohol or drugs of any kind on the Club premises or whilst representing the Club.
Junior Members are not allowed to smoke on Club premises or whilst representing the Club.
Junior Members agree to do their best at all times to improve their cricket skills and maximise their own potential, at whatever level of playing ability that may be. Any conduct by a Junior Member or Parent that prevents a Junior Member from doing the same is unacceptable.
Failure to comply with this code of conduct may result in disciplinary action being taken in accordance with the Club’s disciplinary procedures.
Parent and guardian code of conduct
All Parents / Carers and Guests will:
Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person within the context of cricket.
Treat everyone equally and not discriminate on the grounds of age, gender, disability, race, ethnic origin nationality, colour, parental or marital status, religious belief, class or social background, sexual preference or political belief.
Not condone, or allow to go unchallenged, any form of discrimination if witnessed.
Display high standards of behaviour at all times.
Promote the positive aspects of cricket, e.g. Spirt of Cricket & fair play.
Encourage all participants to learn the rules, play within them and respect the decisions of match officials.
Actively discourage unfair play, rule violations and arguing with match officials.
Recognise good performance; not just match results.
Encourage player development through implicit learning, embracing the role that failure can play in a players self-awareness, skill acquisition and decision making
Place the wellbeing and safety of young people above the development of performance.
Ensure the activities are appropriate for the age, maturity, experience and ability of the individual.
Respect young people’s opinions when making decisions about their participation in cricket.
Sit away from the players when requested by coaching staff during matches.
Not smoke, drink or use banned substances whilst actively working with young people
Not to smoke in the vicinity of players, drink excessive alcohol or use banned substances whilst supporting.
Not provide young people with alcohol, nicotine or banned substances when they are engaged in Thornbury Cricket Club Cricket activities. Follow ECB guidelines set out in “Safe Hands – Cricket’s policy for Safeguarding Children” and any other relevant guidelines issued. Report any concerns in relation to a young person to the clubs safeguarding officers.
Coaches’ code of conduct
All Thornbury Cricket Club personnel will:
Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person within the context of cricket.
Treat everyone equally and not discriminate on the grounds of age, gender, disability, race, ethnic origin nationality, colour, parental or marital status, religious belief, class or social background, sexual preference or political belief.
Not condone, or allow to go unchallenged, any form of discrimination if witnessed.
Display high standards of behaviour at all time.
Promote the positive aspects of cricket, e.g. Spirit of Cricket & fair play
Encourage all participants to learn the rules, play within them and respect the decisions of match officials.
Actively discourage unfair play, rule violations and arguing with match officials.
Recognise good performance; not just match results.
Place the wellbeing and safety of young people above the development of performance.
Ensure the activities are appropriate for the age, maturity, experience and ability of the individual.
Respect young people’s opinions when making decisions about their participation in cricket.
Not smoke, drink or use banned substances whilst actively working with young people in the club.
Not provide young people with alcohol, nicotine or banned substances.
Hold relevant qualifications and be covered by appropriate insurance as stated in the Thornbury Cricket Club and ECB Clubmark Accreditation
Always work in an open environment, i.e. avoid private or unobserved situations and encourage an open environment.
Inform players and parents/carers of the requirements of cricket.
Develop an appropriate working relationship with young players, based on mutual trust and respect.
Ensure that physical contact is appropriate and necessary and is carried out within recommended guidelines with the young player’s full consent and approval.
Not engage in any form of sexually related contact, gestures or terms with a young player. Thornbury Cricket Club adopts the Home Office guidelines which recommends the principle – “People in positions of trust and authority do not have sexual relationships with 16-17 year olds in their care”.
Attend appropriate training & maintain accreditation to keep up to date with their role and especially with respect to the safeguarding of young people.
2. Staff, coaches & volunteers cannot direct message anyone under 18 years old via email, text or social media platforms. Messages should be directed to the parents AND the young person or via open forums with appropriate language & content.
3. Thornbury Cricket Club coaches, managers & volunteers should not link with players U18 years of age involved in Thornbury Cricket Club via social network platforms, online media or gaming.
4. Coaches must know, understand & follow the ECB guidelines set out in “Safe Hands – Cricket’s policy for Safeguarding Children” and any other Gloucester guidelines issued in relation to safeguarding.
5. Coaches & Employees with Junior Coaching Responsibilities Require the following:
Relevant coaching qualification for the player, environment & role.
Current Disclosure & Barring System (DBS) vetting check – cricket specific
Current Safeguarding & Protecting Children certificate
Active member of the ECBCA or appropriate insurance
Current First Aid Certificate (which includes emergency aid)
6. Junior Manager, Junio Co-ordinators & Junior Supervisors: Require the following:​
1. Current DBS vetting check - cricket specific
The Club will take all measures within its power to ensure that all cricket played in its name will be within the true Spirit and Laws of Cricket. Any action deemed to be in contradiction of this code of conduct will be dealt with through the established Disciplinary Procedure included as Appendix 4 of the Constitution.
Report any concerns in relation to a young person to the clubs safeguarding officers.
Child and Vulnerable Adults Protection Policy
Thornbury Cricket Club is committed to creating and maintaining the safest possible environment for children and young people to practice and play cricket.
This is done by:
Recognising that all children and vulnerable adults have a right to freedom from abuse.
Ensuring that all our officials, Coaches and Volunteers are carefully selected and accept responsibility for helping to prevent abuse of children in their care.
Ensuring that all Coaches are screened by the Criminal Records Bureau.
Responding swiftly and appropriately to all suspicions or allegations of abuse and providing parents and children with the opportunity to voice any concerns they may have.
Appointing more than one Child Welfare Officer who will take specific responsibility for child safety and act as the main point of contact for parents, children and outside agencies.
Ensuring access to confidential information is restricted to the Child Welfare Officers and the appropriate outside agencies.
Reviewing the effectiveness of our child protection policy and activities each year at an Executive Committee Meeting of the Club.
Adopting and implementing the ECB ‘Safe Hands – Welfare of Young People in Cricket’ Policy and any future version of the policy
Anti-bullying policy
We are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all of our children so they can train, and play, in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable at our club.
If bullying does occur, all children should be able to tell, and know incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively. We are a TELLING club. This means anyone who knows bullying is happening is expected to tell someone who can do something about it.
What is bullying
Bullying is the use of aggression with the intention of hurting another person. Bullying results in pain and distress to the victim.
Bullying can take many forms some of which we’ve listed below:
• Emotional: being unfriendly, excluding, tormenting (for example: hiding kit, or making threatening gestures)
• Physical: pushing, kicking, hitting, punching or any use of violence
• Racist: racial taunts, graffiti and/or gestures
• Sexual: unwanted physical contact or sexually abusive comments
• Homophobic: because of, or focusing on, the issue of sexuality
• Verbal: name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours and teasing
• Cyber: Bullying behaviour online or via electronic communication (email and text, social media etc.) Misuse of associated technology, such as camera and video facilities.
2. Why is it important to respond to bullying?
Bullying hurts. No one should be a victim of bullying. Everyone has the right to be treated with respect. Children and/or adults who are bullying need to learn different ways of behaving.
Cricket clubs have a responsibility to respond promptly, and effectively, to issues of bullying.
3. Objectives of this policy
• All officials, coaching and non-coaching staff, children and parents should have an understanding of what bullying is
• All officials, coaching and non-coaching staff should know what the club policy is on bullying, and follow it when bullying is reported
• All children and parents should know what the club policy is on bullying, and what they should do if bullying arises
• As a club, we take bullying seriously. Children and parents should be assured they will be supported when bullying is reported
• Bullying will not be tolerated
4. Signs and symptoms
A child may indicate, by signs or behaviour, that he or she is being bullied. Adults should be aware of signs and investigate if a child:
• Says they are being bullied
• Changes their usual routine
• Is unwilling to go to the club
• Becomes withdrawn anxious, or lacking in confidence
• Comes home with clothes torn or belongings damaged
• Has possessions which are damaged or go missing
• Asks for money or starts stealing money (to pay the bully)
• Unexplained cuts or bruises
• Is frightened to say what’s wrong
• Gives improbable excuses for any of the above
In more extreme cases, the child:
• Starts stammering
• Cries themselves to sleep at night or has nightmares
• Becomes aggressive, disruptive or unreasonable
• Is bullying other children or siblings
• Stops eating
• Attempts or threatens suicide or runs away
These signs and behaviours could indicate other problems, but bullying could be a possibility and should be investigated.
5. Procedures
Report bullying incidents in the first instance to the team manager, coach, colts manager or another adult you can trust. The incident should also be reported to the Club Safeguarding Officer, Sarah Bowden (sarahbowden22@hotmail.co.uk) and or John Wormwell (jwormwell@hotmail.com)
In cases of serious bullying, the incidents will be reported to the ECB Safeguarding Team for advice via the County Safeguarding
Officer Actions
Parents should be informed and will be asked to come to a meeting to discuss the problem
It is important that confidentiality is maintained at all times and all communications between children, parents, coaches and other adults at the club must adhere to this principle.
If necessary, and appropriate, police will be consulted
The bullying behaviour or threats of bullying must be investigated and the bullying stopped quickly
An attempt will be made to help the bully (bullies) change their behaviour
6. Recommended Club Action
If the club decides it is appropriate for them to deal with the situation they should follow the procedure outlined below:
Reconciliation by getting the parties together. It may be that a genuine apology solves the problem.
If this fails/not appropriate a small panel (made up from Junior Chairman, Club Safeguarding Officer, Director of Youth Cricket, Secretary, committee members) should meet with the parent and child alleging bullying to get details of the allegation. Minutes should be taken for clarity, which should be agreed by all as a true account.
The same 3 persons should meet with the alleged bully and parent/s and put the incident raised to them to answer and give their view of the allegation. Minutes should again be taken and agreed.
If bullying has in their view taken place the individual should be warned and put on notice of further action i.e. temporary or permanent suspension if the bullying continues. Consideration should be given as to whether a reconciliation meeting between parties is appropriate at this time.
In some cases the parent of the bully or bullied player can be asked to attend training sessions, if they are able to do so, and if appropriate.
The club committee should monitor the situation for a given period to ensure the bullying is not being repeated.
All coaches involved with both individuals should be made aware of the concerns and outcome of the process i.e. the warning.
The club will have a written code of conduct, which includes what is acceptable and proper behaviour for all members of which the anti-bullying policy is one part.
All club members and parents will sign to accept the code of conduct upon joining the club.
The Club Safeguarding Officer will raise awareness about bullying and why it matters, and if issues of bullying arise in the club, will consider meeting with members to discuss the issue openly and constructively.
Changing and showering
For players under the age of 18 playing in adult teams, the following policy applies.
Adults will not change, or shower, at the same time using the same facility as children
Adults will try to change at separate times to children during matches, for example when children are padding up
If adults and children need to share a changing facility, the club must have consent from parents that their child(ren) can share a changing room with adults in the club
Mixed gender teams must have access to separate male and female changing rooms
Mobile phones must not be used in changing rooms
If children are uncomfortable changing or showering at the club, we suggest they change and shower at home.
We recommend that even for home games, players arrive and go home in whites where appropriate, especially on Sundays due to adult fixtures following practice.
Missing child policy
A child going missing can be extremely traumatic – for adults and children. However, if everyone is aware of some simple pre-defined guidelines, panic levels can be minimised, and more critically, the missing child can, hopefully, be found in an organised and efficient way. Hopefully no child will ever go missing from a Club team/event. If they do, remember most children are found within a few minutes of their disappearance.
To avoid worrying situations occurring the Club will regularly remind all parents, carers and children of the need to sign children in to training sessions and not to drop children at the Club or other venues for training or matches without either signing in or reporting to the coach/team manager.
If a child, for whom the club has responsibility, goes missing, the following guidelines have been devised to clarify the actions to take:
Ensure other children in your care are looked after appropriately while you organise a search for the child concerned
Inform the child’s parents, if they are present at the event, or nominate an appropriate person to telephone them and advise of the concern. Reassure them you are doing all you can to locate their child. Remember the child may contact the parents directly so this action is very important
Organise all available responsible adults by areas to be searched. It is best to take a short time to organise the search properly so that all places are searched fully
Send searchers immediately to any exits to the venue to ensure the child has not left, and to any obvious potential danger spots such as main roads, lakes or rivers
Search the area in which the child has gone missing including changing rooms, toilets, public and private areas and the club’s grounds
Request all those searching to report back to a nominated adult at a specific point
This nominated person should remain at this reference point and make a note of events, including a detailed physical description of the child. This should include approximate height, build, hair and eye colour as well as the clothing the child was wearing and where and when they were last seen. All this will be required by the police. If the search is unsuccessful you should then contact the police
A report should go to the police no later than 20 minutes after the child’s disappearance is noted, even if the search is not complete
If the police recommend further action before they get involved, follow their guidance
If the police act upon the concern, always be guided by them in any further actions to take.
At any stage when the child is located, ensure you inform all adults involved including the parents, searchers and the police if, by then, they are involved
All missing child incidents MUST BE notified at the very earliest opportunity to the Club Safeguarding Officer, who must immediately notify the County Safeguarding Officer, and they must then notify the ECB Safeguarding Team.
Transport to matches
All parents/carers are responsible for the safe delivery and collection of their child for matches or training.
All fixtures are provided to parents through the handbook and or WhatsApp and or email via the Age Group Managers.
Coaches and club staff will be responsible for children in their care when on the club premises or on arrival at opponents’ cricket grounds.
It is not the responsibility of the coach or team manager to transport, or arrange to transport, the children to and from the club or match.
The club will ensure permission from parents/carers is given for children to participate in all competitions and away fixtures/events (see the player profile form to give consent).
For all training & matches parents/carers must report to the head coach or team manager to ensure they are aware their child has been dropped off and to be briefed as to collection time as this may vary.
Managing Children Away from the Club
This policy covers children being taken away from the club’s normal base location and/or home ground, and provides guidance to effectively manage children while in the club’s care.
Where trips involve an overnight stay the Committee should be consulted together with additional guidance in the ECB Safe Hands manual. This policy also applies to open age group teams where one or more players are under the age of 18 and or Adult teams where players under the age of 18 are playing.
Parents/carers must give the coach written permission (email acceptable) for their child (under 18) to leave the club or a match on their own.
In addition to the details in this section the club will also:
Follow ECB recruitment guidelines for team managers/coaches and volunteer appointments
Undertake risk assessments of venues and facilities
Follow ECB supervision guidance for cricket activities involving children
Have an agreed transport policy in place at the club
Ensure the team has agreed to act within the appropriate ECB and/or Club Code of Conducts
Guidance for managing children away from the club including trips involving an overnight stay.
A Team Manager should be appointed with clear roles and responsibilities including:
Establish and communicate the following information to parent(s):
Why the trip is planned and what is its reason or purpose
When the trip will take place – date, time of departure and estimated time of return
Where the trip is to, including the destination and venue
Where the meeting points will be, at home and at the away venue
Team managers/coaching arrangements, including the name and contact details of the Team
Manager responsible for the trip
Privacy Policies
Photography and filming policy
The following guiding principles from the ECB Photography and Video Camera Guidelines will be implemented by Thornbury Cricket Club
Photographs/images are not to be taken at matches or training without the prior permission of the parents/carers of the child. This permission can be given by proxy by the coach of each team only after parental consent for this has been granted. The coach will arrange this prior to attending matches.
If no consent has been given for a child on the player registration & consent form, then it is to be made known to the relevant person of the other team (e.g. Coach / Team manager) so that the appropriate person/s taking photos for the other team is aware and can avoid taking photos of that particular child.
The children should be informed that a person will be taking photographs.
The children should be informed that if they have concerns they can report these to the Coach or Team Manager.
Concerns regarding inappropriate or intrusive photography should be reported to the Thornbury Cricket Club Child Safeguarding Officer (Sarah Bowden and/ or John Wormwell (insert contact details)) and recorded in the same manner as any other child protection concern.
It is recommended that at cricket tournaments/festivals/events/competitions that a camera registration book is set up for adults to complete before taking photographs.
The following guiding principles will be adopted for the publishing of images:
Ask for parental permission to use their child’s image and wherever possible show the image to the parents and child in advance. This ensures that they are aware of the way the image will be used to represent cricket and Gloucestershire.
Ask for the child’s permission to use their image. This ensures that they are aware of the way the image will be used to represent cricket and Thornbury Cricket Club.
If the player is named, avoid using their photograph. In cases where the player, parent / carers wish for the players name and photograph to be used, direct written consent will be required for each publication.
If the photograph is used, avoid naming the child. In cases where the player, parent / carers wish for the players name and photograph to be used, direct written consent will be required for each publication.
Don’t use player profiles with pictures and detailed personal information on websites. In cases where the player, parent / carers wish for the players name and photograph to be used, direct written consent will be required for each publication.
Don’t use an image for something other than that what it was initially intended and agreed.
Don’t allow images to be recorded in changing rooms, showers or toilets. This includes the use of mobile phones that record images.
Focus on the activity rather than the individual.
Only use images of children in appropriate kit (training or competition) to reduce the risk of inappropriate use, and to provide positive images of the children.
Aim to take pictures which represent the broad range of youngsters participating safely in cricket e.g. boys and girls, disabled people, ethnic minority communities.
Encourage the reporting of inappropriate use of images of children to Thornbury Cricket Club CSO/Deputy CSO/ Director of Youth Cricket or County Safeguarding Officer and/or the ECB Child Protection Team.
Using video as a coaching aid:
Thornbury Cricket Club may use video equipment as a coaching aid as and when appropriate. Players and parents/carers may view the footage and know that the material taken in connection with coaching will be stored securely and will be deleted / destroyed upon requests, or when the material is no longer needed. Only coaches who are UKCC level 2 or above qualified are permitted to use video analysis when coaching on behalf of Thornbury Cricket Club or when coaching Thornbury Cricket Club juniors.
All players and their parents / carers will be asked each year to either; accept and adhere to the above policy in their registration process or to not accept the policy to refuse any use of photography in their cricket while playing at Thornbury Cricket Club.
Social media policy
Social media, text, direct text/media messaging and email policy
Thornbury Cricket Club promotes the healthy and appropriate use of social media. It’s important to be aware of the potential pitfalls and safeguarding issues that arise when posting content in relation to:
• club activities
• team and club performance
• individual performance
• opposition performance
• officials’ decisions/performance
Club Coaches’ use of Social Media, Texts and Emails
Our coaches, representing the club, conform to the ECB Safe Hands Policy. Contacting u18 players by personal text or through social media is strictly forbidden. Staff, coaches & volunteers cannot direct private message anyone under 18 years old via email, text, Snapchat, Instagram or social media platforms. Messages should be directed to the parents AND the young person or via open forums with appropriate language & content.
Everyone involved with Thornbury Cricket Club is reminded that the Relevant Codes of Conduct (for parents, children and coaches) apply online and in text and email communications, just as they do in the “real world”.
See below for additional advice and best practice around social media use within the family:
Social Media can seem strange and even intimidating for people who did not “grow up” with it. Facebook, Twitter, texting, Messenger, and other platform, as well as online gaming and personal emails are vast and complex. By following some simple guidelines, potential pitfalls can be avoided and Social Media can be safely used as a promotional tool and a means of communication for the club.
Dogs policy
Dogs are more than welcome to join us at Thornbury Cricket Club, but please ensure that your dog is kept on the lead during your time at the club. Should your dog foul on site it is essential that you clean up after them to keep our players safe. Thank you for your cooperation.