Committee Meeting Minutes
20th May 2024
Attendees – Arron Banks, Toby Summerfield, Neil Pritchard, Andy Weeks, Jon Oakey, Mo Newton, Tracey Kenyon, Nigel Webb, John Wormwell, Sarah Bowden, David Cox
Apologies - Jo Littlejohn
1. Financial reports:
Update on audited accounts.
AW - Met with Matt Slade to go through accounts, near on completion, Committee discussed this years budget.
NP - Proposal to consider changing constitution. To state something similar to Members to Approve draft accounts and give the committee approval to sign off independently assessed. This will allow more time for accounts to be independently assessed at the end of the season as timescales for AGM in November are not easily achievable.
2. House and Bar update:
Update on converting the club certificate to a premises licence.
DC - Ongoing – Application has been submitted waiting response.
Update on the plan for roll out of the membership cards:
TS - Dave bird has composed letter to go out to membership, which will be sent out soon. Life/HVP/Committee members and all ‘paid’ Playing members will get a free card. Cost to purchase card for people that don’t fall in that category will be £20. Committee have discretion to provide card to other users of the club who volunteer there time and deemed appropriate.
Update on solar grant:
TS – Panels Installed. We have been invoiced but we are not paying until they give us the certificates so that we can claim the grant.
Other updates:
We have been approached by Pizza van to come on a Friday night. Discussions ongoing re financial benefit to club. Agreed in principle that this would be useful on the odd occasion. To be provided a trial date on Friday 24th May 2024 to see how this works out.
Sky viewing card – Waiting delivery should be up and running soon.
Broadband provider changed from Truespeed to Sky - 50% saving.
BBQ to be repaired.
Hanging basket – SB will ask Andrew Tregenza to complete for minimal cost.
Livestream needs to be linked to new broadband – TS to sort this week.
Housing application for the Paddock – Needs an owner. We need to ensure that we are notified of any planning application – NP to ask Andy Clarke.
Discussion around approaching Greene king around a wider development? – NW to look at appropriate contact at Greene King.
DC - Bar staff – Agreed for paid staff Friday and Saturday. There are a number of people that are interested in casual work – zero hour contract.
Agreed hours - Friday 5pm until 11pm– 2 members of staff £12 per hour. Saturday 4pm – 11pm – 2 members of staff £12 per hour.
Volunteers required Friday night 5-8pm – 2 people required for glass collecting, washing and putting away, keeping stock updated.
3. Sponsorship Chair update:
Update on a sponsors day for one of the home games:
JW and NW to identify suitable Saturday to hold dinner.
Update on ball sponsors:
NW - Meeting with Les to sort next week.
Update on gift aid for all personal donations:
NW – Make contact with Les and Clive Blackwell to see if we have historic records so that we can claim back with consent. New ball sponsors this year will be asked to consent for gift aid.
Other updates:
Banners 3x1m to be arranged for Sponsors – Logos to be sent to TS by NW. AW will raise invoice to sponsors.
Chris Dent – Benefit evening possible Horse racing night. Date TBC
4. Safeguarding report:
Nothing to Report.
5. Grounds update:
Update on planning and lease:
NP - Planning have come back with query re drainage. Questions will be answered by Carl. Planning is at the recommendation and committee stage.
JO - Lease still ongoing.
Other updates:
Mower is coming on Friday. Old one to be sold for approx £10,000.
6. Senior Cricket update:
JW - Good start to season 1st XI and 2nd XI unbeaten.
Training well attended
AB has raised concern over potential of losing points due to not providing umpires.
JW has identified 3 umpires, not able to add to this list. They will be carrying out duties but not able to commit every week. JW to monitor and establish what the blockers are and whether the club can assist in anyway.
7. Womens Cricket update:
TK - All going well. Lots of volunteers in the club for different roles.
U13 girls up and running and growing which is excellent.
8. Youths cricket update:
MN - Huge success with players and coaches for all teams. All stars through to U15’s
U9’s – biggest group at the moment with 68
Good attendance at training. Great feedback from parents and children re Harry and coaching set up.
SB – T20 Playing shirts – ordered
Playing trousers now in stock.
Lots of parents have ordered training kit from Curtis sports and not yet had delivery. TS to chase.
Excess stock T20 shirts in size small - suggest selling off £10 per shirt, to clear stock.
9. AOB
TMS change of ownership ongoing
Website updates - has been reviewed and updated
Update on T10 competition as a close to the season- Friday 6th - Sunday 8th September – Harry working on finalising a plan.
Hosting GYCL U11 Finals day on 01/09/2024. – Opportunity to do club BBQ and have bar open to raise revenue.
Cricket club Ball/Dinner dance to be arranged November 2024 – TS to asked. DH to arrange.
8th April 2024
Attendees: Arron Banks, Jo Littlejohn, Dave Bird, Toby Summerfield, Andy Weeks, Neil
Pritchard, Mo Newton, John Wormwell, Nigel Webb, Sarah Bowden, Harry Thomas
Apologies: Tracey Kenyon, Jon Oakey
1. Financial reports:
Accounts are in the process of being audited and which will be completed by the next meeting.
We are £44k in credit in the bank account.
£11k of subs have been paid into the bank account.
We had a successful 6 nations at the bar along with some other events.
Budget meeting to be put in for w/c 15/4/24 with Arron, Andy and Neil.
VAT return to be completed from the last quarter which is likely to be positive.
2. House and Bar update:
New EPOS system is up and running. Meeting to be put in to get the volunteers to come in and get trained.
Stock holding is on a just in time basis and there are just a few areas of overstocks left to be sold off at the start of the system.
Feedback from the women's section that we need to support the volunteers with paid staff on a Friday or Saturday night. Suggestion is that we look at paid staff 8pm- 11.30pm on those nights only. Arrange for after womens training.
£4k to be paid by Budweiser.
A letter has been Emailed to Arron to sign and give to Dave to authorise.
Melrose to convert the club certificate to a premises licence.
Plan for roll out of the membership cards: the bar will have 3 prices, membership, standard and function prices. Everyone who has paid their subs will get a card, others can purchase a card for £20.
Stocktaker has requested access to the back office which has been authorised.
New ceiling tiles been donated to replace all of the existing ceiling tiles.
Honours boards being collected tomorrow and will be back in situ.
Kitchen worktop and range cooker have been replaced.
Coffee machine has been sold for £1k.
Ladies toilet flushes been replaced.
Need to put up: Insurance details, safeguarding policy, committee who does what and captains and contact details.
Giving polo shirts to bar volunteers who volunteer regularly.
3. Sponsorship Chair update:
All shirt sponsors are in place with just a few to be invoiced to be sent through to Andy.
Toby to get prices on 1m x 2, 3, 4, 5m and agree costs to sponsor.
Youth shirts being confirmed.
Arrange a sponsors day for one of the home games.
A ball sponsors meeting to be had with Les to looks to start this up again for the season.
Look to get gift aid for all personal donations.
4. Safeguarding report:
Safe hands system is now up to date and approved for Clubmark purposes.
5. Grounds update:
Planning notification has been issued, there is just one objection letter at the moment. The consultation date is 17th April.
Ground Force/ Get set weekend was attended by a few but not that well supported considering all the publicity. There are still a number of jobs to be completed.
Ground update… it’s very wet! Season will be pushed back to approx. 25th April. Need 10 to 14 days after sun comes out to prepare as it has been so wet.
Lease continues to be chased.
6. Senior Cricket update:
GCF AGM attended.
Winter training been attended by 12 -14 players.
Wet ground means that the first friendly will need to be pushed back.
Discussion had about how men's and women's training can be run together on a Tuesday.
Women to be slightly later which will mean that Harry can support both training session.
Social to be arranged on the last Saturday of each month May- August.
Player of the week being brought back for the season with prizes.
Overseas players registration- Robbie has been registered. Arron in discussion with Rubin about playing for the club and then he’ll need to be registered.
7. Womens Cricket update:
Entered 2 softball and 1 hardball competitions.
training planned on a Tuesday evening.
Subs being paid, Andy to send update on who’s paid to TK.
8. Youths cricket update:
84% of membership paid their subs.
Fixtures have been plotted.
Will be checking play cricket over the next few weeks to ensure members are registered for the correct leagues.
Balls and kit have been ordered and delivered.
25 spaces on All Stars have been booked out which will start in May.
Summer holiday camp to be looked to be run over the Summer.
Festival will be arranged for the youth, possibly to be held at Oldbury.
Dynamos have confirmed the dates that they will be here, send the days through to Sarah
9. AOB
TMS change of ownership.
The club has achieved its Clubmark accreditation.
Website updates - each chair to check their area and send their updates through.
Look to run a T10 competition as a close to the season - Friday 6th - Sunday 8th September.
Reinstate Sky for the Summer and look to do a deal with the WiFi.
Look to give notice BT for the Summer.
6th March 2024
Attendees: Jo Littlejohn, Jon Oakey, Andy Weeks, John Wormwell, David Cox, Harry Thomas, Tracey Kenyon
Apologies: Arron Banks, Nigel Webb, Sarah Bowden
Financial reports
Budgets have been set for the year and will be distributed after the meeting. It’s based on last years spends.
Each meeting Andy will update year to date vs budget and will report on it so we can see if anything looks like we’re going over budget.
Subs: Mo has sent out the details of the subs to the youth section with a reminder that they need to be paid pre 1st April or the charges will increase. Mo to send out to the youth that there will be a £5 match fee if they play in the adults teams.
John W and TK to send out details of subs to their teams. Put in the note that the match fees need to be paid by bank transfer preferably in advance. Andy to send list of anyone who has missed payments to Harry to follow up.
Outstanding payments: Old Down and Cakes charges. £7,500 still outstanding.
House update
Payment has been updated to £800 for electricity and will check if we’ll be tied in if we get a smart meter now.
ECB Get set weekend set for 23-24th March 2024, have been registered and have some. posters to put out and put on social media.
Jon to do a list of things to do .
Fire safety update: all snagging has been installed and paid.
Worktops and sink to be arranged for delivery by Jo.
New ceiling tiles been sourced FOC and will be replaced.
Tills EPOS system is now out of contract. This will be sent back and Toby is looking at alternative providers and will come to next meeting with a proposal.
Bar chair update
Optics are now in for greater control.
A letter to be drafted to Melrose giving them permission to convert the club certificate to a premises licence and signed by Chair and Secretary. Contact Karen (option 2) 01454 419262.
Stocktake report has been completed. Will send out the variance page, if everything OK At end March then we will change to monthly.
Meeting with St Austell and Budweiser and there will be a £3k payment if we change over some of the product ranges.
Sponsorship Chair update
The club says a big thank you to St Austells, Lampiers, Hunters Selection, IO associates for paying sponsorship for the club shirts.
Back of the shirt sponsors have been invoiced and 5 banners have been sold to be invoiced.
Youth sponsors being chased so we can order the kit.
Sitting down with Les to restart ball sponsorship.
TK to look at approaching some for the women's T20 games.
Safeguarding report
Nothing come up, just putting through some members through the DBS check.
Grounds update:
Mower due to be paid in May: confirming with rep what needs to be paid and will confirm when we have the information.
Jon to discuss using the Paddock for Friday night parking with Nigel.
Senior Cricket update:
Winter nets at Castle school starting 16th March, £4 pp to be paid by bank transfer.
4 people doing/ done the umpires course- thank you to James Rid, Carl Botha, Mark Franklin and Paul Harrod who completed it last year.
2 volunteers to score for the 1st team, Dave Bird has said that he can support for the 2nd team.
John to update his cricket group to be 2024.
Women's Cricket update:
Kit audit been completed need to place an order for some new kit.
Andy coaching on a weekly basis.
Some new members come across.
All in hand to start training in April.
Women's to be shown how to put up and take down the nets on the crease.
Youths cricket update:
The lead for the All Stars to be put down on the website as Mo Newton.
Entered BYCL, GYCL and hundred, adding dates to the spreadsheet on Monday.
2 people asked for a level 3 coaching course, will the club contribute towards this. Check with Steve Silk if they need to be on the pathway etc.
Mo to arrange payment of the Winter nets ASAP.
Mo will be contacted as soon as Castle Winter slots become available so that we can make sure that we have it booked for next year. Tockington are planning on building indoor nets so will keep this in mind as an opportunity.
Festival will be arranged for the youth, possibly to be held at Oldbury.
Need to organise the coaching, Harry will help organise the sessions with the coaches so it’s not too repetitive. Pre season meeting to be held to discuss.
Constitution points:
Include the role of trustees in the constitution- it has been raised that trustees should not be members of the committee as the role is to make sure that the committee abide by the constitution. This was discussed and when the trustees were initially set up they were on the committee so it wasn’t felt that it was a requirement. James Slade is also not on the committee so it was felt that this was adequate. The constitution does, however, need to be updated to clarify their role and we will ensure that they enforce the constitution.
Neil Pritchard been voted in as Vice Chair.
Clubmark accreditation
Matt Slade has contacted Andy to start auditing the accounts.
Jo to update the information to get accreditation.
TMS change in ownership to Clifton College
TMS have been put in touch with the ECB to agree the wording of the updated contract.
The lease runs out next week, Jon has been chasing the agent and has been verbally told that it will just be carried over.
Extension been in planning for 2-3 weeks, ongoing.
Tree by the score box needs to be surveyed in order to do the extension.
South Glos has paid the costs of planning, monies have been received and paid.
TCC BBQ gone for deep cleaning.
Adult playing tops have been ordered.
Youths and women's will be ordered as soon as sponsors confirmed.
Next meeting Monday 8th April at 6pm
5th February 2024
Attendees: Andy Weeks, Jo Littlejohn, Maureen Newton, Toby Summerfield, Jon Oakey, Jon Wormwell, Nigel Webb, Sarah Bowden
Apologies: Tracey Kenyon, Arron Banks, David Cox
Budget setting for the new season
Andy/ Neil will catch up with everyone before the next meeting and will prepare a budget to distribute then
Old Down payment for the stock that went back still not received, to be chased by Arrron
Cakes repayment £2,000 still outstanding, to be chased by Arron
Gift Aid had to be reapplied for so should now go through by the next meeting
Review of the electricity payments, Toby to contact Scottish Power to put in a Smart meter before we move to a new provider. Possibly Octopus but check that they are appropriate for a commercial premises
It looks like the fan in the cellar is faulty and has been on constantly, this is now off but needs to be resolved before the Summer
Toby to change the monthly electricity payment to £850 which will save £1,000 per month
ECB Get set weekend set for 23-24th March 2024
Jon to do a list of things to do
Toby to register with the ECB and print off posters
Bar chair actions
Jack continuing to do the maintenance
Carl continuing to do the ordering
Dave wants to set up optics for greater control
Toby and Dave have arranged for the auditors to come in to do a stocktake before we start the season. £100 deposit and approx. £120 quarter to do a quarterly stocktake
Dave will start managing the ullage more closely
All snacks to be delivered to the club and will only have 2 suppliers
6 nations 1st weekend started with volunteers, running the same for this weekend
Sponsorship Chair actions
1st Team kit sponsor- needs to be finalised as 8-10 week order
4 new boards to go up for sponsors- cost from £300 for 3m x 1m
Toby to invoice Hunter Selection £1,200
T20 kit sponsors to be approached for new kit- Old Down (front), Belmont House(off back and onto sleeve), Tockington, IO and Hunter. Target to get £5k in for a 3 year deal
Toby to speak to St Austell about sponsorship
Approach Les for ball sponsors
Mo to send out to the youth that we’re looking for sponsors to see if we can any response
Fire safety requirements
Toby has contacted Firemark and agreed the signage and extinguishers £275 and waiting for date
Safeguarding reports
No concerns to report, working with Mo to check that all new coaches have all the relevant checks completed
Booking system
Suggestion that we could look at a meter system for the nets
Toby to try and assess what we’re spending on the lighting
Training nights discussed as the below but need to be finalised in the next meeting once positions are voted in and confirmed:
Monday: Western Storm, Jon to confirm what they want
Tuesday: Men's optional and selection and Ladies 6.30-8pm. Jon will agree with coach how to manage
Wednesday: matches
Thursday: all Men's training
Friday: all youth players
Constitution points raised in advance of the AGM to be discussed at the next meeting:
Agreeing a new President and Vice Chairman
Include the role of trustees in the constitution- Jon Oakey, John Wormwell and James Slade. Role is to make sure that the committee abide by the constitution
Add Neil Pritchard to the WhatApp group and see if he would consider being vice chair
President role outstanding- Chris Stutter put forward as a suggestion to be discussed at the next meeting with any other suggestions
Leagues entered
Women's: 2 softball leagues, T20 league plus cup competitions
U9 festival and
U11 performance and super 8
U13 3 x league teams
U15 1 x league team
U17 & U19 TBC
Seniors- 1st- 4th on a Saturday plus 1-2 mid week teams to be confirmed
Tidy up been completed in the clubhouse
Worktop in the kitchen- need 4 lengths worktop with an undermount sink to go in a 1000 base and 4 x 3m x 600 lengths of grey 38mm depth
We need an 1100 electric range cooker
Need to get the BBQ fixed, Toby going to review
Card machines and till system is under review- we have been paying for 5 and they’re linked to the rental of the EPOS system. Toby is currently in dispute with Take payments over the contract
Coffee machine lease finished in April and we need to sell it back then
No water on the square at the moment so the pipe needs to be dug up and repaired
Solar panels- have 3 quotes which will be ready when the grant process opens
Balls will be ordered this weekend by Simon and Andy Weeks
Planning application has gone in formally, payment has been received this month so architect fees can be paid
Mo to ask Les if he will make us a box for the youth bowling machine
Andy to check if Simon has managed to get someone to help manage the play cricket site